Fall 2008
CS201- Introduction to Programming
Question No: 1 ( M a r k s: 1 )
There are mainly -------------------- types of software
► Two
► Three
► Four
► Five
Software is categorized into two main categories
o System Software
o Application Software P# 9
Question No: 2 ( M a r k s: 1 )
seekg() and write() are functionally _________________ .
► Different
► Identical
► Two names of same function
► None of the above
Question No: 3 ( M a r k s: 1 )
When a pointer is incremented, it actually jumps the number of memory addresses
► According to data type
► 1 byte exactly
► 1 bit exactly
► A pointer variable can not be incremented
“When a pointer is incremented, it actually jumps the number of memory spaces according to the data type that it points to”
Question No: 4 ( M a r k s: 1 )
setw is a parameterized manipulator.
► True
► False
We have a manipulator setw (a short for set width), it takes as an argument the width in number of spaces. So to print our numbers in four spaces we write cout << setw(4) << number ;
Question No: 5 ( M a r k s: 1 )
eof( ), bad( ), good( ), clear( ) all are manipulators.
► True ► False
Question No: 6 ( M a r k s: 1 )
In functions that return reference, use __________variables.
► Local
► Global
► Global or static
► None of the given option
In functions that return reference, use global or static variables. P# 369
Question No: 7 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The declarator of Plus (+) member operator function is
► Class-Name operator + (Class-Name rhs)
► operator Class-Name + ( )
► operator Class-Name + ( rhs)
► Class-Name operator + ( )
Page 371,373 example are here
Complex operator + (Complex & );
Complex operator + (parameter-list);
The syntax of the prototype of the overloaded operator function is:
return-type operator operator-symbol (parameter-list);
operator is the keyword here. An example of this will be as follows:
Complex operator + (Complex & );
Question No: 8 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The compiler does not provide a copy constructor if we do not provide it.
► True
► False
C will provide the default copy constructor. P#476
Question No: 9 ( M a r k s: 1 )
What is the functionality of the following syntax to delete an array of 5 objects named arr allocated using new operator?
delete arr ;
► Deletes all the objects of array
► Deletes one object of array
► Do not delete any object
► Results into syntax error
This statement will call the destructor only for the object pointed by the arr and deallocate the space allocated to this object
Question No: 10 ( M a r k s: 1 )
What is the sequence of event(s) when allocating memory using new operator?
► Only block of memory is allocated for objects
► Only constructor is called for objects
► Memory is allocated first before calling constructor
► Constructor is called first before allocating memory
For new operator, memory block is allocated first before calling the constructor. P#414
Question No: 11 ( M a r k s: 1 )
What is the sequence of event(s) when deallocating memory using delete operator?
► Only block of memory is deallocated for objects
► Only destructor is called for objects
► Memory is deallocated first before calling destructor
► Destructor is called first before deallocating memory
For delete operator, destructor for the object is called first and then the memory block is deallocated. P# 414
Question No: 12 ( M a r k s: 1 )
new and delete operators cannot be overloaded as member functions.
► True
► False
The overloaded new operator returns void * when it is overloaded as non-member (global). However, it returns an object pointer like the built-in new operator, when overloaded as a member function. P# 414
Question No: 13 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The operator function of << and >> operators are always the member function of a class.
► True
► False
there are two ways of overloading operators, either as class members or non-members. But these insertion ( ) operators cannot be overloaded as members. P#446
Question No: 14 ( M a r k s: 1 )
A template function must have at least ---------- generic data type
► Zero
► One
► Two
► Three
We generally use the variable name as T (T evolves from template). However, it is not something hard and fast. After the variable name, we start writing the function definition. The function arguments must contain at least one generic data type. P# 499
Question No: 15 ( M a r k s: 1 )
If we do not mention any return_value_type with a function, it will return an _____ value.
► int
► void
► double
► float
The default return_value_type is of int data type i.e. if we do not mention any return_value_type with a function, it will return an int value. P# 79
Question No: 16 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Suppose a program contains an array declared as int arr[100]; what will be the size of array?
► 0
► 99
► 101
As we know, the array index is one less than the size of the array. P# 103
The size of array is 100. but it's index will be from 0 to 99. we will initlize all the elements of the array to 0.
Question No: 17 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The name of an array represents address of first location of array element.
► True
► False
The name of the array is a constant pointer which contains the memory is the address of first element of the array
Question No: 18 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Reusing the variables in program helps to save the memory
► True
► False
Question No: 19 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Which of the following option is true about new operator to dynamically allocate memory to an object?
► The new operator determines the size of an object
► Allocates memory to object and returns pointer of valid type
► Creates an object and calls the constructor to initialize the object
► All of the given options
Question No: 20 ( M a r k s: 1 )
new and delete are _____ whereas malloc and free are _____.
► Functions, operators
► Classes, operators
► Operators, functions
► Operators, classes
Hence, we can call new and delete operators, P# 342
we have allocated a memory space for our use by malloc function. P# 285
we have allocated a memory space for our use by malloc function. P# 285
Question No: 21 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Like member functions, ______ can also access the private data members of a class.
► Non-member functions
► Friend functions
► Any function outside class
► None of the given options
The friend functions of a class have access to the private data members of class
Question No: 22 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Which of the following statement is best regarding declaration of friend function?
► Friend function must be declared after public keyword.
► Friend function must be declared after private keyword.
► Friend function must be declared at the top within class definition.
► It can be declared anywhere in class as these are not affected by the public and private keywords.
To declare a friend function, we can put it anywhere in the class. According to the definition of the friend functions, they have access to the private data members of the class.
Question No: 23 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The operator function overloaded for an Assignment operator (=) must be
► Non-member function of class
► Member function of class
► Friend function of class
► None of the given options
Restrictions on Operator Overloading
The operator overloading functions for overloading (), [], -> or the assignment (=) Operators must be declared as class members.
Question No: 24 ( M a r k s: 1 )
For non-member operator function, object on left side of the operator may be
► Object of operator class
► Object of different class
► Built-in data type
► All of the given options
When an operator function is implemented as a non-member function, the left-most operand may be an object of the operator’s class, an object of a different class, or a built-in type. Now we discuss it in a detailed manner. (handouts)
Question No: 25 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The operator function will be implemented as _____, if obj1 drive the - operator whereas obj2 is passed as arguments to - operator in the statement given below.
obj3 = obj1 - obj2;
► Member function
► Non-member function
► Friend function
► None of the given options
For member operator, the object on the left side of the + operator is driving this + operation. Therefore, the driving object on the left is available by this pointer to + operator function. But the object on the right is passed explicitly to the + operator as an argument.
Question No: 26 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Which one of the following is the declaration of overloaded pre-increment operator implemented as member function?
► Class-name operator +() ;
► Class-name operator +(int) ;
► Class-name operator ++() ;
► Class-name operator ++(int) ;
Question No: 27 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The static data members of a class are initialized _______
► At file scope
► within class definition
► within member function
► within main function
Initialization of static data members is done at file scope which means almost at the vuzs global scope. We initialize it outside of the main.
Question No: 28 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Class is a user defined___________.
► data type
► memory referee
► value
► none of the given options.
A class is a user defined data type and it can be used inside other classes in the same way as native data types are used.
Question No: 29 ( M a r k s: 1 )
We can also define a user-defines manipulators.
► True
► False
Parameterized manipulators require one or more arguments. setfill (near the bottom of the iomanip.h header file) is an example of a parameterized manipulator. You can create your own parameterized manipulators and your own simple manipulators.
Question No: 30 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Automatic variable are created on ________.
► Heap
► Free store
► static storage
► stack
On the stack, automatic variables are being created and destroyed all the time
Question No: 31 ( M a r k s: 1 )
How do we provide the default values of function parameters?
Question No: 32 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Why do java consider pointer as dangerous
JAVA, describe pointers as dangerous . if we assign a memory through a pointer where the pointer is destroyed, the memory remains allocated and is wasted. To address these things, there are only references in JAVA instead of pointers. JAVA gives the concept of garbage collection with the use of references. Due to this garbage collection, we are free from the headache of de- allocating the memory. We allocate and use the memory. When it is no longer in use, JAVA automatically deletes (frees) it through garbage collection
Question No: 33 ( M a r k s: 2 )
What is memory leak?
There is a requirement that if the constructor of a class allocates the memory, it is necessary to write a destructor of that class. We have to provide a destructor for that class, so that when that object ceases to exist, the memory allocated by the constructor, is returned to the free store. It is critically important. Otherwise, when the object is destroyed, there will be an unreferenced block of memory. It cannot be used by our program or by any other program. It’s a memory leak that should be avoided.
Question No: 34 ( M a r k s: 2 )What does optimization the of code means?
Optimization is the process of transforming a piece of code to make more efficient without changing its output or side-effects. The only difference vuzs visible to the code’s user should be that it runs faster and/or consumes less memory.
Question No: 35 ( M a r k s: 3 )
What is the difference between structure and class?
The ONLY DIFFERENCES between classes and structures are
1) classes DEFAULT to having private members. Structures DEFAULT to having public members. These defaults can be changed so classes can be made to work like structures and vice versa.
2) classes DEFAULT to inheriting privately from base classes. Structures DEFAULT to inheriting public from base classes. These defaults can be changed so classes can be made to work like structures and vice versa.
1) classes DEFAULT to having private members. Structures DEFAULT to having public members. These defaults can be changed so classes can be made to work like structures and vice versa.
2) classes DEFAULT to inheriting privately from base classes. Structures DEFAULT to inheriting public from base classes. These defaults can be changed so classes can be made to work like structures and vice versa.
Question No: 36 ( M a r k s: 3 )
See the following code segment.
class myclass {
T x;
myclass (T a) {
x = a;
Write the main function which creates two objects of class for int and double data types.
Question No: 37 ( M a r k s: 3 )
Is it possible to define two functions as given below? Justify your answer.
func(int x, int y)
func(int &x, int &y)
Question No: 38 ( M a r k s: 5 )
Write a program using getline() member function to inputs a string up to delimiter character comma (,) and then display the string on the screen.
Question No: 39 ( M a r k s: 5 )
Do you think that friend functions violate encapsulation? Justify your answer.
Question No: 40 ( M a r k s: 10 )
Write a simple program using the get() member function of cin object reading a text of 30 characters from the keyboard, store them in an array and then using put() member function of cout object to display them on the screen.
Question No: 41 ( M a r k s: 10 )
Write a small program which defines two user-defined manipulators named octal and hexadecimal. These manipulators should display the decimal numbers into octal and hexadecimal.
In the main function, input a decimal number from the user and then display this decimal number into octal and hexadecimal using user-define manipulators named octal and hexadecimal.
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